Wait...these are ACTUALLY simple. I cannot how many times I try to look up a simple recipe and it requires ten steps (multiple things to chop) and fifteen ingredients. In what world is that SIMPLE! Hahaha - really appreciate these, I'll definitely be purchasing the book :)

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Sounds like our families like all the same recipes! All of the above are staples in our house, especially on game days and practice nights (so basically, every night!)

My kids love boneless pork chops over rice

6 boneless chops, 2 cans of cream of mushroom soup, 1/2 box of chicken stock, 2T of butter, garlic powder, black pepper cooked in slow cooker and served over minute rice or ready-rice.

Also, Chicken breasts and a bag of baby red potatoes (cut in half) seasoned with garlic salt, and 1 small bottle of olive garden Italian dressing cooked in slow cooker. Add a side of green beans.

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I’m so glad you shared the cowboy soup recipe! It sounds sooo good!

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I am loving these and excited for the cookbook, but can you get me to step away from Home Chef? Although we don't get it for every day so I guess there will be room for both. :)

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Don’t step away from Home Chef!! It’s too good!!! We did it for a few years and loved it!! These can fill the gaps!

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It is the best service we’ve tried!

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